Friday, November 11, 2011

Salt Dough Starfish Garland

Salt dough is a great medium for making these realistic-looking starfish. We decided to hang them on a piece of jute to make a really cute garland for one of our boys' nautical-themed bedroom. They would also make great Christmas ornaments for a nautical tree.

What You Need:
  • Salt Dough: Mix 2 Cups All-Purpose Flour, 1 Cup Salt, and 3/4 to 1 Cup of Water
  • Jute or Heavy Twine
  • Toothpicks
How You Make It:
  • Take a chunk of the dough and roll it into a ball. Onto a lightly floured surface (to prevent sticking), use hands to flatten ball.
  • Once you have your circle of dough, use a toothpick to press marks into the dough where the arms of the starfish will be (or are they legs?????)
  • Remove dough between markings and use hands to round and shape the starfish form.
  • Use toothpick to make long indentation in center of each leg and to poke small holes up and down arms of starfish.
  • Poke hole in top of starfish (we used the non-pointy end of a ball point pen).
  • Let dry, either by allowing to air dry, or by baking in a 200 degree oven for several hours until hardened.
  • Once dried and cooled, apply coat of acrylic sealant.
  • Tie small loop through hole at top of starfish with jute so the stafish will hang flat when suspended.
  • String starfish on strand of jute to make garland.

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Tickled Pink at 504 Main

Happy Go Lucky

The Girl Creative
Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. I LOVE this. Gotta try this one for sure! Thanks for sharing!!! Stopping by from 30 handmade days.

  2. Oh, this is awesome! I actually live in the Caribbean and have access to so many natural treasure, but the starfish is one that has eluded me. This will fit right in with my beach themed tree. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Okay.....this is exactly what I am doing today !!!!!!!!!!!!! You know. Love these!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I am making them now. I am preparing for a nautical wedding and these will make such cute decorations!!

  4. wow thats beautiful :)

  5. So clever and beautiful!

    I would love for you to share it at my link party. I hope to see you there

  6. What a great idea... perfect for those of us that live on the coast and like to have a beach themed Christmas.

    I’d love for you to come link this up at my Simply Christmas Inspiration party at

  7. Wow! How creative. I am totally making some of these today! Who would have thunk it?

  8. First of all I'm cracking up at your to your site. LOVE IT! Great starfish project. They make great "bows" for the top of gift wrapping too!

  9. So Cute! I love them. I pinned them so I can add to my to do list.... Thanks!
    Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking...

  10. Oh. my. goodness. I LOVE THESE! I looove beachy decor, and wouldn't you know, we've been making salt dough ornaments for the last week in our house? Wish I'd seen this about two days sooner! Do you have any tricks for keeping the salt dough from rising while baking? Mine tended to puff up and get air pockets which made me a bit Anyway, I'm pinning these. THANK YOU for linking at Shine On Fridays, girl!

  11. Another great idea. Love how your garland turned out! Be sure to link this great project up too :) Im your newest follower too!

  12. LOVE this! I've shared it on my Facebook page :)

  13. Great tutorial/DIY! I just shared the link to your post at ~Laura

  14. Blythe and Jasmine, you are STARS over at I Gotta Create! I just featured you here:
    Thanks so much for linking up to the Winter Wonderland party :)

  15. This is fantastic! This would make great for a beach theme christmas tree.

  16. Oh I LOVE~ I stopped by from I Gotta Create link up and I am so glad I did! I have to try this. :)
    -Robyn from

  17. Thank you so much for this tutorial! My daughter is having a mermaid themed party and this is perfect!

  18. Made the garland for the party and loved it so much I still have not taken it down! If you would like to see I shared pics here:

    And I also used your recipe to make some cute pink sea urchins which I shared here:

    Thanks again for sharing! We really enjoyed making this and it was the perfect addition to the party!

  19. Oh I LOVE this!!!! And it's so perfect because my sister is having a beach themed wedding reception next month that I'm in charge of decorating for- these would be perfect!!! Thanks for the awesome idea! I'm following! :)

  20. You know how I feel about this project and about YOU, Blythe! <3 Thanks for entering One Crafty Contest; best of luck!

  21. This is gorgeous and well done. I love everything about it. So creative. Thanks for entering and Good Luck, xoxo

  22. NO WAY! I totally thought these were real! I am visiting from the One Artsy Mama Craft Contest and wanted to drop by and say hello. I am a new follower! Hope you will stop by and do the same.


  23. Done and Done. I made sand dollas too! Now I feel right at home~California roots living in Texas.

  24. So pretty pretty! They look so real!

  25. That's absolutely brilliant! I've wanted starfish on my mantle for so long, but the bought ones are so expensive when the toddlers will inevitably break them within a week... Now I can just make 30 and keep replacing them ;)

  26. Found this while surfing pinterest. Will be trying this soon!

  27. HI! Sorry if I seem silly, but in brazil we don't actully deal with salt dough much. I'm making a under the sea party for my 1-y-o, and I wonder if you have any recipies fo make these edibles (for children, not adults). Thanks a lot!

  28. Que buena idea!!!, lindisimo. Gracias por Compartir.

  29. Can you tell me more about the knotting and tying on process, please?

  30. Cool! I've been planning a Nautical Theme Party and these are really great for decorations. Been planning to go to the beach and look for sea shells or starfish, but maybe I'll give this a try. I just have a question, is it okay not to coat it up with acrylic sealant? Will the outcome vary if I'll apply or not? I hope to get a response soon. Thank you. :)

  31. thanks for sharing this wonderful and creative recipe with us...

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  63. If you're looking for a fun and creative way to add a touch of coastal charm to your home decor, look no further than the salt dough starfish garland. This unique DIY project allows you to create your own starfish-shaped ornaments using simple ingredients and materials.

    Salt dough, made from a combination of flour, salt, and water, is a versatile medium that can be easily molded into various shapes. By following a few simple steps, you can create adorable starfish ornaments that will bring a beachy vibe to any room.

    The process begins by mixing the salt dough ingredients together until they form a smooth and pliable dough. Then, using starfish-shaped cookie cutters or by hand-shaping the dough, you can create multiple starfish shapes in different sizes.

    Once the starfish shapes are formed, they need to be baked in the oven until they are hardened and dry. This step ensures that your ornaments will be durable and long-lasting. After baking and cooling, you can unleash your creativity by painting each starfish with vibrant colors or adding glitter for an extra touch of sparkle.

    To transform these individual starfish into a charming garland, simply thread them onto a string or ribbon using small holes created before baking. You can customize the length of the garland based on your preference and hang it on walls, mantels or even as an eye-catching centerpiece for parties or gatherings.

    The salt dough starfish garland not only serves as an engaging craft activity but also adds a whimsical coastal flair to any space. Whether you're decorating for summer parties or simply want to infuse some beach-inspired aesthetics into your home all year round, this DIY project is sure to impress both children and adults alike.

    So why not gather your materials today and embark on this delightful crafting adventure? Create your very own salt dough starfish garland and let its charm transport you straight to sandy shores with every glance. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance, students can do my class and get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.

  64. Once the starfish shapes are formed, they need to be baked in the oven until they are hardened and dry. This step ensures that your ornaments will be durable and long-lasting. After baking and cooling, you can unleash your creativity by painting each starfish with vibrant colors or adding glitter for an extra touch of sparkle. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your exams and want assistance, students can pay someone to do my online class and get higher grades on their examinations by providing them with the best available resources, including quality academic services.

  65. The salt dough starfish garland not only serves as an engaging craft activity but also adds a whimsical coastal flair to any space. Whether you're decorating for summer parties or simply want to infuse some beach-inspired aesthetics into your home all year round, this DIY project is sure to impress both children and adults alike. Most students are drawn to these types of articles and information, but they are unable to prepare for their exams, If you have been struggling with your e-commerce project and want assistance, students can visit web design company near me and get the best performance on their website by providing them with the most excellent available resources, including quality web design services.

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  70. Hang the garland on a mantel, wall, or window. Dear Lottery
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